A credit card is required to book your reservation. If you are unable to keep your appointment, a 24 hour notification is encouraged to avoid cancellation/no-show charges.
Regretfully, untimely arrivals may be subject to reduced treatment time to remain on time for subsequent guests. Treatments for guests arriving more than fifteen minutes late may be honored at our discretion. All late cancellations will be subject to a fee of 50% of your scheduled spa treatment, not to exceed $100. Member No-Shows will be charged 50% of the service value, not to exceed $100. Non-cancellations and non-member “No-Shows” will be charged the full amount of the original service booked.
Product Return Policy
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchases at Courted. If you are not satisfied with your product, please return it within 30 days for an exchange. No refunds on membership credits, gift certificates or gift cards.